Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Babysitting puppies

There was a full house today at the Westminster Petsmart location of the Humane Society of Boulder Valley. 3 hours worth of dog walking!

There is Rufus who is 6 years old and seems to live up to his name. He loves treats and seems very calm. His little ears bounce up and down as he walks and he doesn't pull on the leash, just likes to trot along for a good walk. We were confronted by a little Yorkie in the doorway and he just yawned a big giant yawn at her, which if you speak dog, you understand that is extremely polite, and he was probably telling the Yorkie that everything was cool and he just wanted to pass by. He even has his own video. Someone really needs to go and adopt this dog!

Then there was Sword who is a funny little dog and very happy to see EVERYONE and wants to stop and talk to everybody we spot. We even stopped and talked to the Guinness beer delivery guy and we were hoping to score a glass of beer but that didn't happen unfortunately. He wanted to play with Hombre his walking mate but Hombre wasn't that excited to goof around.

Lloyd seems like a very sophisticated dog who really loves treats and enjoys his walks. He acts very calm and dignified when we walk.

And then there's Jones who is a very large, and very high energy Weimaraner, oh and did I mention he only has 3 legs? But don't tell him that because he doesn't know. You haven't truly lived until you've seen a 90 lb, 3-legged Weimaraner jump straight into the air because he's so happy he's out on a walk. If you're looking for a dog to keep up with all your activities and help create some activities for you this might be the one!

Peach is a very sweet and calm dog who, according to her profile, would prefer to be your only dog. She is a whole lotta Peach too! She enjoys going out for her walks and her main passion seems to be smelling because she likes to take in just about every scent out there.

Kodi seems similar to Peach and he's quite calm and enjoys his walks. Just enjoys walking about and taking in the fresh air.

Chewie is energetic and happy and very loving and enjoys treats! He could use a good spa treatment at the groomers but they want him to wait until his surgery incision, from his neutering, heals. He seems extremely happy to see everyone and anxious to make friends.

I walked Hombre on Thanksgiving and this week and I think he could walk forever if you let him. He takes his walks very seriously and sometimes he likes to run like wind! He wasn't too excited when Sword wanted to play today though. He tolerated him but isn't quite as goofy as Sword is.

And finally Sandy who seems to be an incredibly sweet cocker mix who wanted to play with Chewie on our walk although Chewie seemed more interested in walking and meeting people and getting treats rather than playing.

What I always find so amazing is how different the dogs are in both their looks and their personalities. They are as varied as people! And perhaps far more tolerable if you ask me!

"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." ~ Anonymous ~

I hope you enjoy the video of the puppies I got to babysit for a while today:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I walk dogs

...all kinds of dogs! I am a volunteer dog walker for the Humane Society of Boulder Valley and this is a chronicle of my adventures in walking dogs. A friend of mine decided I should start recording my experiences with walking dogs at the shelter so this is my account.

Why do I walk dogs? I love dogs. Always have. I love just to look at dogs - they come in so many shapes and sizes and colors and temperaments. I enjoy trying to guess what breed they might be or how many they might be! I love interacting with them and watching them just be dogs.

I don't see myself as giving to the dogs when I walk them and care for them at the shelter but more like taking from them. THEY give to me. The dogs may even think I'm giving to them but they're the ones who give to me. My friend even commented about how happy I look when I'm with the dogs.